As much as our post-modern society prides itself on knowledge we actually are living at a time when the vast majority of people are either wholly ignorant or confused about the message of Christ and the need for and proper way to salvation. Sadly this is true of an alarming percentage of even those professing to be Evangelical, Protestant Christians. Add to this the continuous resurfacing of ancient heresies parading in new clothes and you can see why the Christian church has never needed sound teaching more than right now.
I know you'll find the titles published by Great Christian Books to be a refreshing change from much of the inconsequential books that pass as Christian literature today. Our authors are gifted communicators that write with the goal of meeting today's average reader where they are while leaving them forever enriched and equipped in the knowledge of the truth.
May God Bless You on your journey to knowing Him more fully.
In His Service,
Michael Rotolo

We seek to accomplish this mission by publishing Gospel literature which is biblically faithful, relevant, and practically applicable to many of the serious spiritual needs of mankind in the post-modern and post-Christian world in which we are now living. To do so we will always determine to boldly incorporate the truths of Scripture, especially those which were largely articulated as a body of theology during the Protestant Reformation of the Sixteenth Century and ensuing years.
We gladly join our voice in the proclamations of— Scripture Alone, Faith Alone, Grace Alone, Christ Alone, and God’s Glory Alone! Our ministry seeks the blessing of our God as we seek His face to both confirm and support our labors for Him. Our prayers for this work can be summarized by two verses from the Book of Psalms:
“And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us,
And establish the work of our hands for us;
Yes, establish the work of our hands.” —Ps 90:17
“Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us, but to your name give glory.”
..........................................................................................—Ps 115:1
Great Christian Books appreciates the financial support of anyone who shares our burden and vision for publishing literature which combines sound Bible doctrine and practical exhortation in an age when too few so-called “Christian” publications do the same.
We thank you in advance for any assistance you can give us in our labors to fulfill this important mission.
May God bless you.
A Little More About Us...
You may have noticed in our banner a couple of things. First, our motto which is OPENING MINDS, OPENING HEARTS and second, "The Five Solas" of the Reformation (at the very top of our banner), Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, Sola Scriptura, Solus Christus, and Soli Deo Gloria.We chose our motto very carefully and we even order it purposely. Honestly, OPENING HEARTS, OPENING MINDS kind of sounds a bit better but choose the reverse because we feel strongly that God actually uses our intellect and our understanding of truth to inform our heart and our affections. Yes, we may be accused of being more the cerebral types but it's about more than just our preference. We live in a time in church history where many churches, even whole denominations, believe that "doctrine divides" and that "theology" is something for the egghead crowd.
They say true Christianity has its best expression in a profound emotional and experiential relationship with God. Well, we're all for the true charismatic work of the Spirit of God in the hearts of believers it is vital and a necessary evidence of union with Christ but we feel strongly that authentic relationship and worship cannot be divorced from an accurate understanding of the propositional truths taught in Scripture.
Truth is objective. The message of the gospel is specific and necessarily encompasses vital truths which must be properly understood and properly communicated. To do so requires diligent study and a purposeful effort to accurately appropriate truth as God revealed it. This kind of study, to sincerely know Christ and to make Him known, will necessarily lead you into important subjects and considerations like hermeneutics, epistemology, bibliology, and others. There is much to know but we've all got to start somewhere and continue on.
The Bible is deep and as many wise men have learned, countless lifetimes is still not sufficient to completely understand it but the question is: will you be content to remain as you are where you are, or to grow in your knowledge of the Almighty? We seek to make whatever humble efforts we can to bring to you books that will advance your knowledge of God. By informing our minds through careful study of Scripture can we best worship God in Spirit and in truth.
And so I bring to your attention to what are known as the Five Solas of the Reformation. These are five important "Truths" that you must become familiar with. By a "Sola" we mean that Latin word which precedes each case, as in Sola Gratia. It is Latin for "Alone". The concept of "alone" in each case is profound because the Reformers of the 16th Century made heroic efforts to recover what they felt was the truth of God from the obfuscation that occurred through the influence of Roman Catholic theology upon these matters. You see, Roman Catholic theology so mingles the work of man with the work of God in each of these cases as too render them from truth to falsehood and to practically deny the monergistic and sovereign work of God in the lives of his creatures as He undertakes redemption.
These "Solas" are vital to a biblical understanding of what Scripture teaches regarding salvation, and so they are foundational truths which we hold dear at Great Christian Books. Rather than duplicate the good effort of others and go into a lengthy explanation of these important truths here I would happily point you to other places online where you can explore them. Here are just a couple to start with:
Enjoy your reading and God Bless You!